🔥#IGNITEyourLife with Toy Parker™ 30-Day Power Past Procrastination Challenge: Day 17

🔥Day 17 Spark: Push past your fears to experience success. Every single thing you ever wanted is on the other side of fear. It’s time to stop putting off every activity – one at a time and watch how life opens up and even more success manifests because you pushed past the stronghold of procrastinationContinue reading “🔥#IGNITEyourLife with Toy Parker™ 30-Day Power Past Procrastination Challenge: Day 17”

🔥#IGNITEyourLife with Toy Parker™ 30-Day Power Past Procrastination Challenge: Day 16

🔥Day 16 Spark: Preparation meets opportunity when you consistently take action toward the vision. Never lose sight of the promised land of your life. Stay the course one day at a time! Each action towards the future you desire leads to exponential success! #IGNITEyourLife in love, life and business TODAY one victory at a time!Continue reading “🔥#IGNITEyourLife with Toy Parker™ 30-Day Power Past Procrastination Challenge: Day 16”

🔥#IGNITEyourLife with Toy Parker™ 30-Day Power Past Procrastination Challenge: Day 15

🔥Day 15 Spark: It takes courage to live an extraordinary life. It takes courage to get up with determination and step outside your comfort zone to live greater and be better than the day before. You deserve the best life has to offer. Stop existing and start living today! #IGNITEyourLife Choose to #IGNITEyourLife one dayContinue reading “🔥#IGNITEyourLife with Toy Parker™ 30-Day Power Past Procrastination Challenge: Day 15”

🔥#IGNITEyourLife with Toy Parker™ 30-Day Power Past Procrastination Challenge: Day 14

🔥Day 14 Spark: Jump up and just do it! Our brains are designed to go with what’s most comfortable. Step outside of your comfort zone and stay there taking massive consistent action toward your breakthrough success. In love, life and business passion is what fuels success. Reset and Reactive your passion and watch your resultsContinue reading “🔥#IGNITEyourLife with Toy Parker™ 30-Day Power Past Procrastination Challenge: Day 14”

🔥#IGNITEyourLife with Toy Parker™ 30-Day Power Past Procrastination Challenge: Day 13

🔥Day 13 Spark: Create with urgency. The key to overcoming procrastination is momentum. Finish an activity and enjoy the feeling of completion and the great results yielded from it. Then immediately repeat. Let the sense of completion and overcoming become addictive and before you know it that momentum will yield all kinds of productivity. RememberContinue reading “🔥#IGNITEyourLife with Toy Parker™ 30-Day Power Past Procrastination Challenge: Day 13”

🔥#IGNITEyourLife with Toy Parker™ 30-Day Power Past Procrastination Challenge: Day 12

🔥Day 12 Spark: Live with a sense of urgency TODAY. Maximize every single moment of your life. You only get one trip. Choose to make the very best of it by giving your very best everyday in love, life and business regardless of outcomes. That’s the true measure of character. You deserve it. Your lifeContinue reading “🔥#IGNITEyourLife with Toy Parker™ 30-Day Power Past Procrastination Challenge: Day 12”

🔥#IGNITEyourLife with Toy Parker™ 30-Day Power Past Procrastination Challenge: Day 11

🔥Day 11 Spark: Do what you can where you are with what you have TODAY. Life is what you make it. You have everything you need to succeed. Choose to #IGNITEyourLife one day at a time! Visit http://www.toyparker.com daily to learn more on how to #IGNITEyourLife in love, life and business! For your own #IGNITEyourLifeContinue reading “🔥#IGNITEyourLife with Toy Parker™ 30-Day Power Past Procrastination Challenge: Day 11”

🔥#IGNITEyourLife with Toy Parker™ 30-Day Power Past Procrastination Challenge: Day 10

🔥Day 10 Spark: Maximize every moment NOW. Plan. Prepare. Visualize. Execute. You are greater than your excuses! Eliminate every excuse that impedes success! Today is the day you create success: Take positive steps forward to build and maintain positive momentum so you can live at optimal levels to #IGNITEyourLife one day at a time! VisitContinue reading “🔥#IGNITEyourLife with Toy Parker™ 30-Day Power Past Procrastination Challenge: Day 10”

🔥#IGNITEyourLife with Toy Parker™ 30-Day Power Past Procrastination Challenge: Day 9

🔥Day 9 Spark: Reprogram your brain to succeed as you visualize success. As shared earlier this month, the truth is you can talk yourself in or out of anything. Why not think of all the reasons why you can do something or why you can be successful? Remove your excuses and move mountains one rockContinue reading “🔥#IGNITEyourLife with Toy Parker™ 30-Day Power Past Procrastination Challenge: Day 9”

🔥#IGNITEyourLife with Toy Parker™ 30-Day Power Past Procrastination Challenge: Day 8

🔥Day 8 Spark: Trust God in all things. Overcoming procrastination takes time. You are retraining yourself to take massive, immediate action to achieve real time results. Be patient with yourself so you can push through to your victory one small win at a time. Fear and love cannot occupy the same space. Remember faith withoutContinue reading “🔥#IGNITEyourLife with Toy Parker™ 30-Day Power Past Procrastination Challenge: Day 8”